Deep red in colour and rich in a multitude of superb fish appetite stimulants, Bloodworm Stick Mix has been an excellent addition to our highly acclaimed Boosted Bloodworm Range. Packed with bloodworm extracts, proteins soluble attractors this mix will pull fish into the baited area from distance.
An ideal product to use as a liquid additive for this mix is Liquid Bloodworm Extract which soaks into the bloodworm-rich particles in this stick mix to make a phenomenal fish attracting loose feed.
Add this stick mix in its dry form to our Boosted Bloodworm Pellets and frozen bloodworm to make a combination of bloodworm products that break down at varying speeds, creating a steady flow of attractors into the swim. Bloodworm stick mix is also excellent as an additive for wet spod mixes to form a cloud that disperses and hangs in the swim