The Equip PRO 1 First Aid Kit is a compact versatile and filled with vital equipment. The PRO 1 allows you to be prepared for a variety of situations ranging from snakebites (includes instructions), eye injuries, blisters and burns. This kit is ideal for customisation.
- contents: Contents booklet, Emergency action note book, First aid booklet, Protective gloves, CPR face shield, Antiseptic wipes X4, Plastic biohazard bag, Biohazard sticker, Tweezers, Safety pins X2, EMT shears, Pencil, Sterile gauze swabs X4, Cotton tips X3, Iodine swabs X4, Normal saline 15ml x 2, Curved sterile irrigation syringe (10ml), Combine trauma dressing, Soap X2, Sterile wound closure strips X2, Tincture benzoin swab stick, Elastic gauze bandage (5cmX4m), Elastic gauze bandage (7.5cmX4m), Crepe bandage 10cm heavy, Flexible active strips X10, Knuckle dressing X2, Absorbent non-adherent dressing (7.2X5cm) X2, Waterproof dressing (6X7cm) X3, Waterproof dressing (10X12cm), Eye pads Triangle bandage, Adhesive tape, Burn aid gel sachet, Open weave adhesive dressing (10X25cm) & Moist burn pad (10X10cm)
- weight: 355g
- dimensions: 21 x 16 x 6.5 cm